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- «s6=166,227,181»
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- «»
- «»
- «c1»By Zerox/Gods«»
- «»
- «»
- «as»
- «c7»Once again it's time to review a few of the mags released the latest half
- year or so. Naturally I don't review any of the Polish mags as my Polish is
- quite bad, hehe... But I'm sure those mags are quite good. At least the latest
- issue of Taboo was BIG! And the graphics in the Polish mags are always
- stunning. And not all "international" mags are even found worthy to be reviewed
- this time.«»
- So this time I'll review the following diskmags:«»
- «»
- «al»«c6»NAME: RELEASE DATE:«»
- «»
- «c7»Jurassic Pack #08 End Of November '01«»
- The EuroChart #43 End Of July 2001«»
- ShowTime #16 End Of April 2001«»
- «»
- «»
- «»
- «»
- «as»«c7»I'll try to be as objective as I can
- when reviewing the mentioned mags. But remember
- that the reviews are only my «c6»personal
- opinion. «c7»The reviews are not ment
- as bad critics. Infact I hope it will
- be constructive and give the makers of
- the diskmags some hints for what they
- might improve. Ok, now it's time for
- the reviews...«»
- «»
- «»
- «»
- «al»«c5»SHOWTIME #16«»
- «»
- «c6»Mag:«»
- «»
- «c6»Code By: «c7»Modem/DarkAge and slighty updated by StingRay/DarkAge^Scarab«»
- «c6»Gfx By: «c7»Cheetah/Ephidrena and Made/Bomb«»
- «c6»Music By: «c7»Curt Cool/Depth, Dascon/IRIS, Isaac/Contraz and The Hooligan/DCS«»
- «»
- «c6»Title Picture: «c7»Slayer/Appendix«»
- «»
- «c6»Main-Editor: «c7»Zito/DarkAge«»
- «c6»Co-Editors: «c7»Ghandy/DarkAge, Dire/Eremation and Zito/DarkAge^Reason«»
- «»
- «c6»Gallery:«»
- «»
- «c6»Code By: «c7»StingRay/DarkAge^Scarab«»
- «c6»Gfx By: «c7»Cheetah/Ephidrena«»
- «c6»Music By: «c7»Factor6/Reason«»
- «»
- «c6»Title Picture: «c7»Asarhad/Reason«»
- «»
- «»
- «c6»Intro By: «c7»Ephidrena«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»The intro was finished by Loaderror and Zixaq in the first
- week of January, but not released before in the demo competition at TG. And
- it was re-released with the ShowTime 16 archieve. In any case,
- it's a small, but yet quite a typical Ephidrena production. Most of the
- routines have been used in other Ephidrena productions before. But the
- newspaper design and falling newspapers are quite nice. I also like the
- background guitarsamples of this dentro.«»
- «»
- After a delay, DarkAge hit back with ShowTime issue 16. It
- returned in full strength; with a main-part, diary, gallery and charts!
- And now the show continues.... and more surprises will appear in the future
- issue I'm sure.«»
- «»
- «al»«c6»Code:«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»It has been said that the code is very old and need to be updated. And in
- the last issue StingRay updated the code slightly. I don't know how the
- source itself looks like, but personally I think the code is pretty good
- and don't need to be updated much. It's easy to select articles by mouse, and also go from article to
- article by using the mouse or keyboard. It's no problem to switch from the
- mag-part, to diary or the charts. Nothing at all annoyed me. The code
- supports a clipart routine, and it's system friendly. And you can naturally
- choose between various modules. There was a hidden part as well, with a
- small oldskool intro. The gallery part is totally recoded, and has a cool
- introduction. It also offers two hidden parts. The code
- allows us to see pictures in high-quality (many colours).
- I don't have much more to add, except that a totally new source is promised
- for the next issue. I look forward checking out if really a new selfmade
- source will be used...«»
- «»
- «al»«c6»Gfx:«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»The panels were pretty good... but haven't been changed in some years,
- since issue 11 I think. The background is also quite fitting. Nice fonts.
- There were only a few cliparts, but those were ok. As for the gallery
- panels, I think they were ok too. When it comes to the title pictures,
- the first one (the mag part) was quite cool and in typical Slayer style. The one for
- the Gallery was quite nice too, and done by Asarhad.
- The charts gfx I've always liked a lot, it's very good.«»
- «»
- «al»«c6»Music:«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»There were 5 modules in ST; 4 in the mag part and 1 in the gallery part.
- Almost like a small musicdisk, eh? :-)«»
- «»
- The first module was done by the king of magmusic, Curt Cool/Depth, and was as usual
- pure quality. But somehow all of his latest magmodules makes me a bit nostalgic
- and sad. I don't know why. The second tune by Dascon/IRIS was a bit weird,
- but still quite good with a nice piano touch into it. The third one from
- Isaac/Contraz was something like a classical diskmag tune. Quite relaxing.
- And last, it was a module by The Hooligan/DCS. It's quite a nice
- guitartune. The song for the gallery was done by Factor6/Reason, and
- was very fitting and enjoyable.«»
- «»
- «al»«c6»Contents:«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»Now to the part that really interest me, the contents! ShowTime is a
- chartmag, and the most important thing is therefore the charts! Actually
- ST offers only 53 votes this time, compared to 95 votes in the previous
- issue. This is quite a drastic reduction, but hopefully the ST staff will
- manage to force more sceners to vote the next time around. As there are only
- two major chartmags these days, it can't be that hard. In any case, I've
- always enjoyed the ST charts.
- The diary included 35 groups, which is some more than in the last issue.
- Some of the news were old though, and some quite fresh. When it comes to
- the main-contents, there were ALOT of articles! In the last issue there
- were only 29 articles. So this time it was a BIG improvement in this
- section and we can certainly say there were something for everyone!
- Anyway, the quality of the articles were quite different, and there were
- also many non-amiga scene related articles this time. It's a matter of
- personal taste if you enjoy that or not. The article about the TG compo
- scandal was very cool and should have been placed in front after my
- opinion, but there were also other good articles. I prefer the articles
- that cover the real demo scene rather than fillers.
- Because of the delay, some parts of ST got
- outdated though. And some negative aspects were also that I found some
- articles already published in D.I.S.C. for instance many months earlier.
- But apart from that, a big improvement from the last issue for sure. It was
- especially nice that so many various editors supported the mag. I'm curious
- what Modem might come up with next time... as it's him which has taken over
- as main.ed again now.«»
- «»
- «al»«c6»Overall:«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»I'm happy that ShowTime continues to be released. Hopefully a new issue
- should be out very soon.«»
- «»
- This issue got major improvements in the contents, but the chartsection got
- drastically reduced. The Darkagers have to work harder on that section for
- the next issue, and of course develop the magpart even more. We'll see what
- happens now as the main-members are occupied with two mags...«»
- «»
- «»
- «»
- «al»«c5»THE EUROCHART #43«»
- «»
- «c6»Code By: «c7»Quedax/Depth and slightly updated by Cytron/Depth and Dr.Doom/IRIS«»
- «c6»Gfx By: «c7»Java/Crionics^Scenic^Tpolm«»
- «c6»Music By: «c7»Curt Cool/Depth and Genetix«»
- «»
- «c6»Cliparts: «c7»Angeldust/Apathy^RNO«»
- «c6» «c7»Cytron/Depth«»
- «c6» «c7»Darklight/Veezya«»
- «c6» «c7»Da Freak/Vortex^RNO«»
- «»
- «c6»Title Pictures: «c7»Wade/Haujobb and Pix/DarkAge^Nah^Scenic«»
- «»
- «c6»Main-Editor: «c7»Darkhawk/IRIS«»
- «c6»Co-Editor: «c7» Adonis/IRIS«»
- «»
- «c6»Intro:«»
- «»
- «c6»Code: «c7»Tolkien/Nah Kolor«»
- «c6»Music: «c7»Dascon/IRIS«»
- «c6»Add. Design: «c7»Imaks«»
- «as»The EuroChart is the oldest chartmag around.
- It has been done by Crusaders, Static Bytes, Depth
- and issue 43 was the last one in cooperation between
- Depth & IRIS. The latest years, this chartmag has
- also been the ONLY regular release. Therefore the
- mag has been very important for the scene.«»
- «»
- «al»«c6»Code:«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»Not much have changed in the code-department
- for many years. Infact, the code is almost the
- same as it was 5 years ago when it was done
- by another coder. But a few things have changed
- though, like a small bug has been removed.
- And for this issue, also Dr.Doom touched the source
- slightly. In any case, the source has not been very
- updated for years. But then again, why should it?
- It's real easy to operate by using a mouse, but
- much harder when trying to use the keyboard when
- entering the chart-section. Anyway, I didn't have any problems
- at all when using the mouse and nothing really
- annoyed me. The Eurochart is system friendly and it multitasks.
- The mag also offers a search-function,
- which is not that usual these days. However, I have
- seen better search-functions. The mag also got
- a good clipart-routine, but then again... all mags of
- today got that.«»
- «»
- The mag is divided into 3 different parts; the charts section,
- the EuroNews and the Gallery. And all parts have ok code.
- I noticed one "bug" though. In issue 43 it was not possible to
- enter the gallery from the news-section. However, you could
- reach the gallery from the charts.«»
- «»
- All in all, it's a pretty good code.«»
- «»
- «»
- «al»«c6»Gfx:«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»The Euronews panels by Java are quite ok. But I do like his design for the
- chart section much better. The title picture by Wade is pretty good, but
- I've seen far better pictures and motives from Pix in the past. However, I
- do like that there are still some true pixel artists left in this scene.
- The EuroChart also offer 13 cliparts, which are quite much. Some of the
- cliparts were good and some not that good. The gallery wasn't huge this
- time, but it does offer 12 pictures.
- The gallery routine makes it possible to show the pictures in many colours,
- so the quality is good. Apart from that, the EuroChart gives us amazingly 99
- pictures of sceners & productions in the chart-section! The bad part is
- perhaps that only two system fonts are used. However, they are easy to
- read.«»
- «»
- «al»«c6»Music:«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»This time the EuroChart offer only two modules. Well, two is actually more
- than enough. As usual the first module is done by Curt Cool, and I really
- like it. It got a cool melody and above all, it fits perfect in the mag.
- The other module by Genetix is a bit too noise after my opinion. Not much
- more to say about it really.«»
- «»
- «al»«c6»Contents:«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»The most important part of a mag, is of course the contents. As for a
- chartmag, the charts are most important.«»
- «»
- This time there were 103 voters, and that's quite good. It's almost
- twice as much as the "competitor" ShowTime. Hopefully there will be over
- 100 votes for the future issues as well. If the charts should have some
- kind of creditability, there must be a certain amount of voters. An idea
- could also be to reduce the number of people/productions to 10. Then I
- guess it would be harder to enter a chart. In any case, the EuroStatistic
- is always cool.«»
- «»
- When it comes to the EuroNews-section, I fast had a look at the news and
- the adverts. There were quite many adverts, and quite many news. However,
- I would say these sections were the weaker part of the EuroChart this time
- as most of the news and the adverts were pretty old. A trained eye would
- have discovered that most of the news were also inserted in the previous
- issue of D.I.S.C. In any case, I'm sure that the next issue will have fresh
- news included. Nevertheless, the writing of the memberslist of the various
- groups is great.«»
- «»
- Then we have the articles! There were 54 files this time, and if I'm nice
- I could say that there were 40 articles (including the party-invitations),
- the rest were editorial files etc. This is infact quite much when it comes
- to nowadays mags, and especially chartmags! And looking back in time,
- I can truly say that the contents have
- become much better now. I found at least some great articles from Darkhawk
- (like the MS productions review etc.), Sagrael (about Appendix and Potion),
- SuperK (Review), Loaderror (The Making Of...), Dr.Doom (Editors etc.) and a
- few others.«»
- «»
- «al»«c6»Overall:«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»The EuroChart is a great chartmag with lots of talented
- members among its staff. And it's without any doubt the best around.
- There were much votes, and also a more than a decent
- amount of articles. However, the previous issue was better after my opinion
- with lots of more to read. In any case, the chart and article sections, in
- addition the gallery were quite good. And for the next issue I'm also
- certain that the adverts and newssection will be updated under the control
- of Adonis, which has become the new main-editor along with Darkhawk.
- The EuroChart will probably also continue to be released reguarly, with 3
- issues every year. The next one I expect towards the end of
- January/beginning of February... and only under the IRIS label for the first time.«»
- «al»«c5»JURASSIC PACK #8«»
- «»
- «c6»Mag:«»
- «»
- «c6»Code By: «c7»Mr.Tickle/DarkAge«»
- «c6»Gfx By: «c7»Budgie/100% Prophets & Mawi«»
- «c6»Music By: «c7»Mice/Zenon, Dascon/IRIS, Supernao/TBL, Chris
- Mealand/Noiseless Production and Virgill/Haujobb & Blackthorne/ex.TRSI«»
- «»
- «c6»Main-Editors: «c7»Ghandy/DarkAge & Zito/100%, DarkAge & Moods«»
- «»
- «c6»Co-Editor: «c7»Gone/DarkAge & Void«»
- «»
- «c6»Cliparts: «c7»Malmis/Nature, Zito/Darkage, Budgie/100% Prophets,
- Raven/Nuance and Bridgeclaw/Gods.«»
- «»
- «c6»Title Picture: «c7»Noogman/Scoopex and Bridgeclaw/DarkAge & Gods«»
- «»
- «c6»A funny little intro was done by the forces of Mankind.«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»I got to tell you all that I have mixed emotions with the socalled comeback
- of Jurassic Pack. A mag which I've supported myself with own articles,
- external articles, modules etc. from the pre-issue until last issue. It's a
- mag that got a prolonged life because I begged a good friend of mine to do
- the new stunning code back in 1994/95, Zytrox, and a true master in
- pixelart, Bridgeclaw, to do the gfx. But that's now history. For the first
- time since the start, a new panel was done for issue 8, and also a new
- source was used. It's the previous Devotion engine. New is also that
- Jurassic Pack is no longer a Gods production, but a Darkage production, and
- that myself nor Sixpack wrote one piece of line for this issue. I was one
- of the few people that knew that another issue of Jurassic would come, but
- I really expected it to be an issue with "the best of" - articles as that
- was what I was told would come. And secondly I expected this to be the last
- issue, but instead it's the beginning of a new area in the Jurassic Pack
- history. And let it be clear to the ones that still doubt it... Jurassic
- Pack is actually a mag, and haven't got a packpart since 1994!«»
- «»«al»
- «c6»Code:«»
- «»«as»
- «c2»«c7»The first thing that comes to mind, and that is different from other mags
- around, is that the code makes it possible for not only ordinary AGA users,
- but also others by using a graphicscard, to actually read the mag. So this
- is quite extraordinary. The mag also got a nice clipart-routine, and it's
- system friendly. Instead of the usual page-counter, Jurassic got a slider
- showing how much of the article that remains. It has only two arrows,
- one to the left and one to the right. No up or down buttons. But then
- again, you can use the keyboard to go from one article to the next without
- going back to the menu. Apart from that, it looks like most other mags.
- It's easy to operate. Nothing more to add really, as the mag hasn't any
- special features I noticed. But it's definately one of the best mag engines
- around.«»
- «»«al»
- «c6»Gfx:«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»The panels were done by Budgie/100% Prophets & Mawi, and look quite stylish
- and "clean". I've always loved the old panels of Jurassic Pack, but also
- these new panels are very nice. I think Budgie did a good job. As for the
- cliparts, there were 33 ones included in this issue. Most of them were
- actually done by Malmis/Nature in only 7 colours and that's quite
- impressive really.«»
- «»«al»
- «c6»Music:«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»Lots of modules were included into Jurassic Pack, infact 5 modules. Usually
- I find some weak modules among so many songs, but this time I think all of
- them worked good as diskmag music. Perhaps the module called Superclear by
- Supernao was a bit weird, but still it didn't take away my attention from
- the reading. The other modules were very nice too, like C-Type by Mice,
- Boutique by Dascon and In a blue room by Virgill & Blackthorne. Yes, that
- last song is quite an old module actually as it was given to D.I.S.C. 7
- years ago but now used in Jurassic as so many other D.I.S.C. modules in the
- past. In any case, the module I liked the most was The four seasons by
- Chris Maeland. A great tune.«»
- «»
- Not much else to say about the quality of the modules, the only question is
- why so many modules are included at all? I doubt most readers bother to go
- through so many modules as in a musicdisk when reading a mag.«»
- «»«al»
- «c6»Contents:«»
- «»«as»
- «c2»«c7»The most important aspect of a mag, is always the articles!
- This time there were 84 files included, and that's quite much compared to
- any mag nowadays!«»
- «»
- The brothers in arms as they call themselves, Ghandy & Zito, has written
- a decent amount of articles themselves, and also the co-editor Gone has
- written much. There were alot of variation in topics and in quality, but
- I'm sure there were more than enough articles and themes for everyone to
- enjoy. There were some good interviews, like with MatureFurk, and some
- interesting articles, like that Amiga vs PC scene article for instance. I
- would of course enjoyed even more articles concerning the demo scene and
- scoop articles, but that's just me.«»
- «»
- The bad aspects of the contents however, were that I had read some of
- the articles along time ago. Yes, some of the interviews for instance had
- been released a year earlier in the Devotion2 package by Magic. Some
- articles had been published at internet, at the back to the roots site or
- in the mag Hugi etc. But then again, those articles are quite good.«»
- «»
- The news were rather fresh as the latest Scenet file was used. But
- everything was chaos as nothing was placed under groups, and there were no
- memberslists included.«»
- When it comes to the editing, I think it's very good. Everything looks very
- "clean".«»
- «»«al»
- «c6»Overall:«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»I think the comeback issue of Jurassic Pack was quite good in all aspects.
- I'm sure Zito and Ghandy, with the help of Gone, will manage to produce
- many more issues under the label of Darkage. The next issue should be out
- quite soon....«»
- «»
- «»
- Now at the very end of the diskmag
- reviews, I'll tell you in what way I'll
- perhaps try to review the diskmags in the next
- issue of DISC. Only time will tell if it really happens...«»
- «»
- «al»«c6»CODE:«»
- «»
- «c7»I'll check out if the diskmag has got:«»
- «»
- 1. User friendliness«»
- «»
- Which means... can you operate the mag
- by using both mouse, keyboard and joy-
- stick? Are the gadgets easy to use?«»
- «»
- 2. Cliparts«»
- «»
- Does the diskmag support a good clipart
- routine that makes it a bit more
- interesting to read? Many colours?«»
- «»
- 3. Search function«»
- «»
- Has the diskmag got a search routine?
- And if it does, is it good? Can it be
- used in all parts of the mag, or just
- in a few areas?«»
- «»
- 4. Multitasking«»
- «»
- Is it possible to go out of the mag
- and work with other programs at the
- same time, without quitting the mag?
- Is it system friendly?«»
- «»
- «»
- 5. Different modules?«»
- «»
- Can the mag manage to load different
- modules?«»
- «»
- 6. Fonts«»
- «»
- Does the mag have a routine for using
- different fonts?«»
- «»
- 7. Other special features«»
- «»
- Does the mag have something else?
- Like special features, or just some
- ordinary additional coding?
- Examples: Choice to choose between
- different palettes, columns, pointers,
- printer function etc. Or maybe specialities like
- animations etc.«»
- «»
- 8. Intro«»
- «»
- Has the mag got a nice intro?«»
- «»
- «c6»GFX:«»
- «»
- «c7»I'll check if the diskmag has:«»
- «»
- 1. A title picture«»
- «»
- Does the diskmag have a nice title
- picture?«»
- «»
- 2. Cliparts«»
- «»
- Does the mag have many different
- goodlooking cliparts?«»
- «»
- 3. Menu panels«»
- «»
- Has the diskmag got a nicely drawn
- panel?«»
- «»
- 4. Design«»
- «»
- Is the design special? Is it good?«»
- «»
- «»
- 5. Fonts«»
- «»
- Are the fonts good? Is it easy to
- read the articles? Are there many
- fonts?«»
- «»
- 6. Scanned Picture«»
- «»
- Are there any scanned pictures?
- A gallery?«»
- «»
- 7. Special features«»
- «»
- Does the mag offer very nice animations?
- Or other special gfx features?«»
- «»
- «c6»MUSIC:«»
- «»
- «c7»I'll check...«»
- «»
- 1. The number of modules«»
- «»
- Is there more than one module?«»
- 2. What kind of music?«»
- «»
- Is it typical diskmag music?
- Does the music suit the diskmag?«»
- «»
- 3. Variety?«»
- «»
- Does the module got many patterns?
- Does it have variation, or is it
- more or less boring?«»
- «»
- 4. Special features?«»
- «»
- Does the mag have any special sound
- effects?«»
- «»
- «c6»CONTENTS:«»
- «»
- «c7»1. Updated«»
- «»
- Are the files updated or are most of
- them old? Old news or outdated
- topics?«»
- «»
- 2. Good articles«»
- «»
- Are articles well-written or just some
- short files without any meaning?«»
- «»
- 3. Gallery/Charts«»
- «»
- Does the mag have either a gallery or
- chart? Or maybe both? And are they
- good and updated?«»
- «»
- 4. Number of files«»
- «»
- Does the diskmag only have a few files?
- Is it properly supported?«»
- «»
- 5. Special features«»
- «»
- Does the mag got some very special
- files? Very hot and interesting news
- or interviews? Scandals?«»
- «»
- «»
- «»
- «c6»Overall:«»
- «»
- «c7»Is the overrall look good?
- Does the code, gfx and music fit in?
- Improvements from earlier issues etc.«»
- «»
- «»
- «as»Ok, that was it... remember that it
- can be hard to take on such a huge analysis, but I'll do my best.«»
- «»
- At the very end of this article, I
- want to give all diskmag makers an
- opportunity to get their diskmag
- reviewed! So if YOU are making a
- diskmag, then send it to me, and I'll
- try to review it for the next issue
- of DISC! That's it for this time...«»
- «»
- «e»